
Many innovative solutions come from connecting the unconnected, such as the electronic television from ploughing, the electric bulb filament from twisted rope, smooth glass from grease, shoe soles from the Waffle grid, and Zippers from burrs. The founder of Synectics in the USA this analogical-metaphorical thinking of inventors into a team creativity process in the 1940s,at about the same time that Alex Osborn introduced his famous brainstorming concept for creative problem solving. it is not surprising that the ‘Creative problem Solving process and Synectics are parents of  most, if not all, existing creative programs,(stein1992:86)

Benefits to you

Solve a task creatively through the use of unrelated wacky metaphors. Think multi-dimensionally around metaphors and connect ideas to any personal or work task. Turn seemingly impossible and disconnected metaphorical wishes into feasible yet intriguing concepts. Convert good ideas into better and best ideas. Develop a creative culture. Enhance team bonding and optimize creative confidence.

Seminar Outline

  • Metaphorical Power
    - Harness the value of pictures in metaphors
  • Whole- brain Metaphorical Connections
    - Image multi-dimensionally to open up the solution space
  • The DREAM Team Creativity Process
    - Be a MAD Wishful thinker
    - Diverge and converge simultaneously
  • Mission Possible
    - Make the seemingly impossible possible
  • Accelerating Team Creativity
    - Applying the DREAM process to various tasks
  • Planning and Facilitating Team Creativity Sessions
    - plan for an effective team creativity session
  • Roles and Responsibilities for team creativity
    - Facilitator, problem owner, and idea resources